This was a project from my client Marcus where he wanted to implement Salesforce CRM for his organization migrating from a legacy CRM. He was very concerned about the security of his organization’s data moving to Salesforce and I was acting as the consultant to give them the benefits, implementation procedure, gaps, how to overcome them, strategies for full adoption of Salesforce, and most importantly Security of his Organization. I broke down the implementation process into 8 phases and the project was completed successfully.
1) What they wanted to achieve using Salesforce
2) The available budget for full implementation
3) Other experts needed to manage the org
4) Plan to create awareness in the org
5) Migration process of data into Salesforce
6) Gradual Rollout procedure of features
7) Employee Training and Adoption
8) Maintainance and Support procedure
Find the link to the Figma representation I used for the presentation with my client.
Figma representation link: