I am Godwin, a Salesforce crtified profesional with more than 5 years of hands-on experience in the Salesforce ecosystem. Let's connect today and talk about your Salesforce requirement ranging from small projects to major long-term projects.
This was a project from one of my clients named Sean from Australia and the requirement was to migrate their existing data containing about 300k records from Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to Salesforce CRM. I was also required to create a data model in Salesforce to match their existing business use case in Dynamics 365. I provided a guided approach on how to go about this migration step-by-step and the project was a great success.
byGodwin Mbah
Alago is a new dance song brought by Hot Season Music Group own star trek CROSSy produced by Legendury PhillBillBeatz of No Hitz No Recordz Entertainment